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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Legal Unit


1.   Dealing with Court matters where ROC is a Party to the case:
         •   Proving comments to the State Law Office in respect of Supreme Court Cases referred to this office:-
             Examples: Motion Paper, Proecipe, Petition and Affidavit, Counter-Affidavit, Plaint with Summons, Mutual Legal Assistance
         •   Providing further information requested by the State Law Office
         •   Swearing of Affidavit by Senior Officers of CBRD
         •   ​​Follow-up on Judgement from Supreme Court relating to restoration or any other Order concerning CBRD which is directed to the corresponding seciton for required action.  
         •   Distribution of summons to attend various Courts of Mauritius to represent the Registrart of Comapnies
         •   To represent the Registrar in different Courts as and when required (Supreme Court Intermediate Court, District Courts, Industrial Court, Mediation Court)​
2.   Dealing with Complaints in Respect of Non-Compliance with the following legislations by the CBRD:
       Companies Act 2001, Business Registration Act 2002, Insolvency Act 2009, Foundations Act, Limited Liability Partnerships Act and Limited Partnerships Act

         •   ​​Filing of complaint
         •   Acknowledge receipt of complaint within 3 days
         •   Respons to complainant to inform of the stand of office