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The Insolvency Act which came into force on 1st June 2009 regulate bankruptcies of the individuals and insolvencies of companies. It is a legislation which provides innovative tools to better manage companies during periods of distress.

The Insolvency law sets out alternative measures to bankruptcy such as bankruptcy such as restructuring, work outs and voluntary administration​​.


Registration of documents for:-
          - Liquidation
          - Receivership
          - Administration
 Foster training to enhance performance of Insolvency Practitioners

 Entertain complaints against misconduct of Insolvency Practitioners

 Maintain Register of Bankrupts


Insolvency Act 2009

List of Insolvency Practiti​​oners

Rules Governing the Performance and conduct of Insolvency​ Practitioners 2012

Regulations made under Insolvency Act 2009

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